Our high school paves your child’s way to the top.
Your child has a wide range to choose from across major and supplementary subjects. Major subjects: Biology & chemistry, economics & law (taught immersively in English), music, physics and applied mathematics (PAM), Latin, Spanish. Supplementary subjects: Biology & chemistry, history, geography, applied mathematics.
Firstly, laypeople: in ecclesiastical terms, this refers to all people who are not members of the clergy. Secondly, clergy: fathers and brothers of the Disentis Benedictine community. They will pave your child’s way to the top. They do their best to give your child the knowledge and skills they need to finally collect their high school diploma (Matura).
We want our students to achieve their goals. From the outset.
What we offer you: preparation courses for the entrance examination, guided subject consultations & after-school learning support; or private tutorials from older students and teaching staff as well as supervised after-lunch study and regular feedback meetings.
Over the last 10 years, 98% of our students have gained their high school diploma (Matura). And many of them have graduated at above-average speed and with above-average success. Do you know of a canton school or another high school that can boast similar success rates?
Many of our former students have forged remarkable careers. Some have become well-known for their work and achievements across Switzerland and beyond.
The time spent in Disentis forms the basis for a network that can be personally, professionally and socially significant. Therefore, most students become members of the Altdisentiser Society after gaining their high school diploma and often remain so for the rest of their lives.
Our boarding school is extremely character-building!
Your child says goodbye – and at the same time becomes closer to you. Your child moves away and gains a new independence that strengthens them for their future path through higher education and career.
Boarding school is the best place for your child to focus on their goals. In doing so, our Vademecum – a ring binder in A5 format – accompanies them at every turn of the school day. Among other things, it contains: individual goals in the current school year, individual goals until age 20, homework, upcoming examinations, grades of all examinations and class tests, absences, tutoring appointments and the daily routine of “our neighbors” – the Benedictines.
The daily routine is clearly structured at boarding school. This helps each child to focus on the important things. Guided study periods give space for learning; in initiative groups, specific interests are explored in more depth. And of course, there is time reserved for sports and individual leisure needs.
The Benedictine educational tradition, translated into state-of-the-art pedagogy, based on humanistic values and the teachings of St. Benedict. Our Codex answers the question of how we want to live together as a school and boarding community: ora – lege – labora.
Life-long friendships and networks are created at boarding school. Worldwide, through membership of the Benedictine Educators’ Network (BENET) and through exchanges with China and South Africa. In Switzerland, through the Desertina Fraternity and Altdisentiser Society.